Pictures from the press, a learning tool for non-French speaking pupils

I teach French to a group of pupils who just arrived in France, therefore they don’t speak French. To motivate these new comers I make them work on a daily newspaper called l’actu. 26avril_ill_art-2.jpg I try to choose themes which interest them and which aim at several goals : – Developing the idea of citizenship, – Acquiring a language tool, grammar, – Introducing a personal choice, – Discovering France, its history and its culture, – Developing oral expression, – «  Securing  » the learner in front of an authentic, non-simplified and non-altered text . Pupils can also choose articles which will be studied in class. Classes involved : Pupils from various classes with different levels (FFL). Subjects : French, French as a foreign language (FFL). Our acknowledgements to l’actu, the only current issues daily for teenagers from the age of 14, who authorized the reproduction of several pages. Link to the website : l’actuConclusionsL’action en français

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