PROJECT «  grande école for political sciences  » : SCIENCES PO

Partnership between the I.E.P. (political studies institute in Paris or Sciences Po) and Saint Exupéry High School in Fameck. The spirit of the agreement. Since 2001 Sciences Po has been offering an access to its first year to pupils from designated areas with special educational needs. Its goal is to enrich the social opening of its recruitment and to make different pupils aware of these possible studies. (Pupils that never turn to this kind of studies because of false representations and social reasons. Pupils concerned. Whatever the class, each motivated, interested, volunteer pupil with the prerequisite for this type of recruitment : good general knowledge, capacity for hard work and autonomy, intellectual curiosity, good judgment and reasonning, good writing and oral skills, and mastering at least one foreign language. Choosing the candidates. During the first term, there is a short-listing of volunteer pupils. They are chosen thanks to their school records. To be eligible for the second part of the exam they must work on a press pack which deals with a topical theme chosen by the candidates themselves. This file is presented during a 30 minute oral exam led by some school teachers. The Jury is made up of the oral examiners and is presided over by the School head. They decide who will be selected for the “ Great Oral in Paris” from the candidates’ school records and oral exam. Accompagnying the candidates. We spend one day in Paris to visit the premises, to attend lessons and to meet students and professionals. In our school, we organize regular meetings, either individual or collective, to keep motivation up, (sessions to work on word processing, ducuments synthesis, preparing the oral examination), we also ask students and teachers from Sciences Po to come over . – Conclusionsarticle147L’expérithèque

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