How can a vocational school from a small country town open up to the world, learn to know itself by knowing other cultures, help others, either near or far, and get self-confident by acting ?
Summary – from the project to its execution : « disovering others to discover oneself »
We implemented this project in September 2005, inside a PPCP (multidisciplinary vocational project) with a preparation class for the vocational diploma, « secretarial courses ». Our goal is two-fold : Opening up to the other and helping the other. We managed to make the pupils discover another country, Afghanistan : its history, its culture, its differences thanks to the Afghanistan-Lorraine Assocation, we led actions and thus participated in financing the building of a primary school in Astana, in the Panshir valley.
The second project came naturally from the first one. From a financial and rather remote help, pupils decided to help directly and effectively this country. The vocational school being situated next to a geriatric hospital, we implemented afternoon activities sessions. Once a week, our pupils organized workshops for dependent elderly people like games, paintings, reading sessions, aesthetic, life books, cards…
Our pupils progressively became initiators and actors of their workshops.
A photo exhibition in the hospital hall will increase their standing and will show the work of the two classes.
This double work continued in 2006 on demand of another class.
After a year and half we are now able to improve our researches, our project and our interventions. We would like to assess the psychological impact of these non-standard and very positive actions on our pupils.
information about the action
writing about the action
l’action en français
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