In spite of a computer-aided platform mainly integrating digital technologies, a specialized training offer in the wood industry, a boarding school and a canteen, our high school is lacking candidates. That’s why the school has been proposing to volunteers (12 to 15 pupils) another diploma in addition to the initial qualifications in the industrial sector and in the wood-building industry. Pupils can prepare a diploma (brevet d’assistant professionel animateur technique or BAPAAT) to become coordinator of sport practices and leisure activities such as climbing, rollerblading, mountain biking or archery.
This project was co-financed by the state, the region and the European comission. It was introduced by an inspector from the local offices of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, his counterpart, a regional councillor and a representative from the educational office said : « We are now facing a set of issues: Young people are more and more concerned by their education surroundings ».

This project, as underlined by a regional council representative, is in line with the Vosges economic development. « Our civilization leaves more and more time for leisure. And regulations are stricter and stricter in terms of supervision and training. This first level diploma (BAPAAT) will allow people to work at week-ends as well as during worked-out time schedule. Therefore, we give them multi-skills for a multi-activity life. »
Preparing the BAPAAT
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