In 2003, 3 pupils, preparing their baccalauréat, collected Albert Kenigsberg’s testimony on video (aged 75 at the time of the testimony) in order to understand one part of their history curriculum better and to discover one aspect of Arthur Varoquaux’s life. Headmaster of l’Ecole des jardiniers (present lycée Loritz, in Nancy), he hid Albert Kenigsberg, a Jewish adolescent, in the boarding school to protect him from the rounding up of jews in 1942.
A group of teacher thought this document could be the starting point of a remembrance and History work on the Jewish deportation and extermination in Lorraine and on the hidden Jewish children in Nancy in particular.
Two projects were born :
– In the school Library, the building up of resources about hidden Jewish children and the Shoah in Lorraine and one room dedicated to the memory of Arthur Varoquaux.
– The making of a documentary video by the students showing different aspects of Mr Kenigsberg’s testimony.
In 2004/2005 the film was shown in classes (1ères and Terminales) and in the school library on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of concentration camps.
In 2005/2006 two terminales classes work on
the writing of a documentary based on Mr Kenigsberg’s testimony. Pupils asked for the pictures they needed at the highschool video workshop (pictures from today and yesterday).
The film was previewed in May 2006.
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